Storing To Stay Calm

Storing To Stay Calm

The Packing Supplies You Need To Keep Your Belongings Safe In A Self-Storage Unit

Lois King

If you're planning on putting things in storage for the short or long term, pack them just like you would if you were moving. It's worth the extra effort, and your things will be protected during the ride to and from the storage unit and while they're in storage. Here's why proper packing is important and a look at some supplies you'll need.

Why Proper Packing Supplies Are Essential

Your storage unit can turn into a cluttered mess fast if you store things in plastic trash bags or boxes retrieved from a dumpster that are all different sizes. You want to protect your things, especially if they are expensive or have sentimental value.

Trash bags might be cheap and convenient, but they don't stack, so you won't be able to maximize the space in the unit. Plus, plastic traps moisture, and you might find mildew on your clothing when you pick them up.

Used boxes from a grocery store are sometimes in good shape, but other times, they have bends that make their structure weak. A stack of your belongings could topple if a box gives way. Also, boxes pulled out of a dumpster or that held food might have lingering odors that attract pests to your unit.

Buying packing supplies is worth the expense because everything stacks well and the boxes are sturdy. Plus, you can buy boxes intended for specific objects so you get extra support when you need it, such as when you pack books in a book box.

The Type Of Packing Supplies You Need

The storage facility you choose might sell packing boxes to make it easy to get everything you need. The facility may even recommend how many boxes you need and what type depending on the number of bedrooms in your home and the number of family members.

You'll need boxes of different sizes, but try to choose most of the same size so they stack on each other perfectly. You may want wardrobe boxes so you don't have to fold your clothes, and you'll probably want boxes with cells for packing glasses and dishes.

Book boxes are small, but they are sturdy, so they are good for packing small heavy items. You can find a box for about anything, even your mattress. When you get your things out of storage, you can recycle the boxes or give them to someone preparing for a move.

In addition to boxes, pick up some tape so you can seal the box flaps so they're flat. Buy packing peanuts or air pillows too so you can fill every box so the top doesn't cave in when the boxes are stacked. Another important thing to buy is a marker so you can write the contents on every box. You'll probably forget what's inside the boxes, so labeling them is important.


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Storing To Stay Calm

When you are in the midst of a complicated move abroad, the last thing you probably want to worry about is whether or not that big sectional will fit into your new space. Although it might seem like a silly thing to stress about, not being able to move things into your new place can be really stressful, which is why storage is such a godsend. This blog is all about using storage units to stay calm during your next move. By reading these articles, you can enjoy a renewed sense of calm during your move, because you will learn how to store your things successfully.